De Computer Graphics and Art vol2 n°3 page 28
// This sketch is part of the ReCode Project - // From Computer Graphics and Art vol2 no3 pg 28 // Segrid // by John Roy // // Quin Kennedy // 2012 // Creative Commons license CC BY-SA 3.0 //Since there are //8 sets of images plus a center empty image plus a 1/2 width of black border //this gives a canvas size of 8*2+1+.5*2 = 9*2 = 18 cells //each cell is 20 pixels wide (see comment in drawTile(...)) var pixelSize = 1.5; var linesPerQuadrant = 5; //the tile size is the //(lines per quadrant + spaces per quadrant) * 2 quadrants per side * pixelSize var tileSize = linesPerQuadrant*2*2; var visualTileSize = tileSize*pixelSize; //subtract 1 because the center is not doubled //subtract another 1 because we only see half of the last tiles var numTiles = linesPerQuadrant*4-1-1; var windowSize = numTiles*tileSize; var visualWinSize = numTiles*visualTileSize; function setup(){ createCanvas(ceil(visualWinSize), ceil(visualWinSize)); noLoop(); } function draw(){ background(255); stroke(0); fill(0); strokeWeight(1); strokeCap(SQUARE); push(); scale(pixelSize); //translate(-tileSize/2., -tileSize/2.); //pick a random grid cell to be the focal point //for now we will restrict it to have at most one row/column of empty squares var focusX = numTiles/2; var focusY = numTiles/2; //for each grid cell... for(var i = 0, gi = 0; i <= numTiles; i++, gi += tileSize){ for(var j = 0, gj = 0; j <= numTiles; j++, gj += tileSize){ push(); translate(gi,gj); var num = min(max(abs(focusX-i), abs(focusY-j)), linesPerQuadrant*2); drawTile(num); pop(); } } pop(); } function drawTile(iteration){ //there are two versions of the tile, the first where 5 lines (with 5 spaces) //grow in, //and the second where each consecutive space gets filled in. if (iteration == 0){ return; } push(); for(var i = 0; i < 4; i++){ push(); translate(-linesPerQuadrant*2, -linesPerQuadrant*2); drawQuadrant(iteration); pop(); rotate(HALF_PI); } pop(); } function drawQuadrant(iteration){ if (iteration < linesPerQuadrant){ push(); for(var i = 0; i < linesPerQuadrant; i++){ line(0, .5, iteration*linesPerQuadrant*2.0/(linesPerQuadrant-1.0), 0.5); translate(0, 2); } pop(); } else { drawQuadrant(linesPerQuadrant - 1); var lines = iteration - linesPerQuadrant; push(); translate(0, linesPerQuadrant*2-1); for(var i = 0; i <= lines; i++){ line(0, .5, linesPerQuadrant*2, .5); translate(0, -2); } pop(); } }