De Computer Graphics and Art vol2 n°3 page 10
// This sketch is part of the ReCode Project - // From Computer Graphics and Art vol2 no3 pg 10 // by William Kolomyjec // "Boxes" // // Sermad Buni // 2012 // Creative Commons license CC BY-SA 3.0 function setup() { var canvaswidth = 17; var canvasheight = 17; var square_size = 40; var randomness = 0.03; var iw, jh; smooth(8); createCanvas( (canvaswidth+2)*square_size, (canvasheight+2)*square_size); background(255); noFill(); for(var i=0; i < canvaswidth; i++) { for(var j=0; j < canvasheight; j++) { push(); translate((square_size*i), (square_size*j)); if(canvasheight % 2 == 0) { iw = canvaswidth/2 - Math.abs(i - canvaswidth/2); } else { iw = canvaswidth/2 - 0.5 - Math.abs(i - canvaswidth/2 - 0.5); } if(canvasheight % 2 == 0) { jh = canvasheight/2 - 0.5 - Math.abs(j - canvasheight/2 + 0.5); } else { jh = canvasheight/2 - Math.abs(j - canvasheight/2); } if( jh != 0 || iw != 0) { rotate( radians(iw * iw * jh * jh * random(-randomness,randomness)) ); } rect(square_size, square_size, square_size, square_size); pop(); } } }
De Computer Graphics and Art vol2 n°3 page 28
// This sketch is part of the ReCode Project - // From Computer Graphics and Art vol2 no3 pg 28 // Segrid // by John Roy // // Quin Kennedy // 2012 // Creative Commons license CC BY-SA 3.0 //Since there are //8 sets of images plus a center empty image plus a 1/2 width of black border //this gives a canvas size of 8*2+1+.5*2 = 9*2 = 18 cells //each cell is 20 pixels wide (see comment in drawTile(...)) var pixelSize = 1.5; var linesPerQuadrant = 5; //the tile size is the //(lines per quadrant + spaces per quadrant) * 2 quadrants per side * pixelSize var tileSize = linesPerQuadrant*2*2; var visualTileSize = tileSize*pixelSize; //subtract 1 because the center is not doubled //subtract another 1 because we only see half of the last tiles var numTiles = linesPerQuadrant*4-1-1; var windowSize = numTiles*tileSize; var visualWinSize = numTiles*visualTileSize; function setup(){ createCanvas(ceil(visualWinSize), ceil(visualWinSize)); noLoop(); } function draw(){ background(255); stroke(0); fill(0); strokeWeight(1); strokeCap(SQUARE); push(); scale(pixelSize); //translate(-tileSize/2., -tileSize/2.); //pick a random grid cell to be the focal point //for now we will restrict it to have at most one row/column of empty squares var focusX = numTiles/2; var focusY = numTiles/2; //for each grid cell... for(var i = 0, gi = 0; i <= numTiles; i++, gi += tileSize){ for(var j = 0, gj = 0; j <= numTiles; j++, gj += tileSize){ push(); translate(gi,gj); var num = min(max(abs(focusX-i), abs(focusY-j)), linesPerQuadrant*2); drawTile(num); pop(); } } pop(); } function drawTile(iteration){ //there are two versions of the tile, the first where 5 lines (with 5 spaces) //grow in, //and the second where each consecutive space gets filled in. if (iteration == 0){ return; } push(); for(var i = 0; i < 4; i++){ push(); translate(-linesPerQuadrant*2, -linesPerQuadrant*2); drawQuadrant(iteration); pop(); rotate(HALF_PI); } pop(); } function drawQuadrant(iteration){ if (iteration < linesPerQuadrant){ push(); for(var i = 0; i < linesPerQuadrant; i++){ line(0, .5, iteration*linesPerQuadrant*2.0/(linesPerQuadrant-1.0), 0.5); translate(0, 2); } pop(); } else { drawQuadrant(linesPerQuadrant - 1); var lines = iteration - linesPerQuadrant; push(); translate(0, linesPerQuadrant*2-1); for(var i = 0; i <= lines; i++){ line(0, .5, linesPerQuadrant*2, .5); translate(0, -2); } pop(); } }
var tiles = [7]; var windowSize = 780; var tileSize = windowSize/15; function setup(){ createCanvas(windowSize,windowSize); createTiles(); noLoop(); } function draw(){ background(255); imageMode(CENTER); for(var i = 0; i < width; i+=tileSize){ for(var j = 0; j < height; j+=tileSize){ var tile = floor(random(tiles.length)); //boolean bw = (random(2) >= 1); var rotation = floor(random(4)); push(); translate(i,j); translate(tileSize/2, tileSize/2); rotate(PI*rotation/2); image(tiles[tile], 0, 0); pop(); } } } function createTiles(){ var i = 0; pg = createGraphics(tileSize, tileSize); pg.background(0); pg.noStroke(); pg.fill(255); pg.ellipse(0, 0, tileSize*2, tileSize*2); tiles[i++] = pg; pg1 = createGraphics(tileSize, tileSize); pg1.background(255); pg1.noStroke(); pg1.fill(0); pg1.ellipse(0, 0, tileSize*2, tileSize*2); tiles[i++] = pg1; pg2 = createGraphics(tileSize, tileSize); pg2.background(0); pg2.noStroke(); pg2.fill(255); pg2.rect(0, 0, tileSize, tileSize/2); tiles[i++] = pg2; pg3 = createGraphics(tileSize, tileSize); pg3.background(255); pg3.noStroke(); pg3.fill(0); pg3.rect(0, 0, tileSize, tileSize/2); tiles[i++] = pg3; pg4 = createGraphics(tileSize, tileSize); pg4.background(0); pg4.noStroke(); pg4.fill(255); pg4.triangle(0, 0, tileSize, 0, 0, tileSize); tiles[i++] = pg4; pg5 = createGraphics(tileSize, tileSize); pg5.background(255); pg5.noStroke(); pg5.fill(0); pg5.triangle(0, 0, tileSize, 0, 0, tileSize); tiles[i++] = pg5; //might happen less often than others... pg6 = createGraphics(tileSize, tileSize); pg6.background(0); tiles[i++] = pg6; //PGraphics pg2 = createGraphics(width/15, width/15, P2D); }
var tiles = [2]; var windowSize = 400; var tileSize = windowSize/5; function setup(){ createCanvas(windowSize,windowSize); createTiles(); noLoop(); } function draw(){ background(255); imageMode(CENTER); for(var i = 0; i < width; i+=tileSize){ for(var j = 0; j < height; j+=tileSize){ var tile = floor(random(tiles.length)); //boolean bw = (random(2) >= 1); var rotation = floor(random(4)); push(); translate(i,j); translate(tileSize/2, tileSize/2); rotate(PI*rotation/2); image(tiles[tile], 0, 0); pop(); } } } function createTiles(){ var i = 0; pg = createGraphics(tileSize, tileSize); pg.background(0); pg.noStroke(); pg.fill(255); pg.ellipse(0, 0, tileSize*2, tileSize*2); tiles[i++] = pg; pg1 = createGraphics(tileSize, tileSize); pg1.background(255); pg1.noStroke(); pg1.fill(0); pg1.ellipse(0, 0, tileSize*2, tileSize*2); tiles[i++] = pg1; }
Inspiré par Computer Graphics and Art nov 1976 vol1 n°4 page 28
// This sketch is part of the ReCode Project - // From Computer Graphics and Art vol1 no4 pg 28 // Untitled 1 (Computer graphics at the University of Munich - West Germany) // by Various (Reiner Schneeberger and unnamed students) // // Nick Santaniello // 2012 // Creative Commons license CC BY-SA 3.0 var cols = 10; var rows = 10; var offsetX; var offsetY; var sqSize= 78; var sizeDifference = 12; function setup() { createCanvas(780, 780); offsetX = random(-6, 6); offsetY = random(-6, 6); rectMode(CENTER); strokeWeight(2); fill(240); //for every row... for (var r = 0; r<rows; r++) { //for every column... for (var c = 0; c<cols; c++) { //choose a new offset offsetX = random(-7, 7); offsetY = random(-7, 7); rect(c*sqSize, r*sqSize, sqSize, sqSize); for (var i=1; i<6; i++) { rect((c*sqSize)+(i*offsetX), (r*sqSize)+(i*offsetY), sqSize - (i*sizeDifference), sqSize - (i*sizeDifference)); } } } } function draw() { }
function setup() { createCanvas(780,780); } // Draws a single cross. function drawCross(left, top, dim, thickness) { var offset_1 = dim/2 - thickness/2; var offset_2 = offset_1 + thickness; var offset_3 = dim; beginShape(); vertex(left + offset_1, top); vertex(left + offset_2, top); vertex(left + offset_2, top + offset_1); vertex(left + offset_3, top + offset_1); vertex(left + offset_3, top + offset_2); vertex(left + offset_2, top + offset_2); vertex(left + offset_2, top + offset_3); vertex(left + offset_1, top + offset_3); vertex(left + offset_1, top + offset_2); vertex(left, top + offset_2); vertex(left, top + offset_1); vertex(left + offset_1, top + offset_1); vertex(left + offset_1, top); endShape(CLOSE); } // Draw a stack of crosses. function drawCrossWithDecay(left, top, base_dim, num_decay, dpos, ddim, dthickness) { var thickness = base_dim/3; var dim = base_dim; var curleft = left; var curtop = top; for (var i = 0; i < num_decay; i++) { drawCross(curleft, curtop, dim, int(thickness)); curleft += dpos.x + ddim/2; curtop += dpos.y + ddim/2; dim -= ddim; thickness -= dthickness; } } function drawCrossMatrix(dim, left, top, rows, cols) { var thickness = dim/3; var dp1 = createVector(0,-1); var dp2 = createVector(1,0); var dp; for (var i = 0; i < rows; i++) { var rleft = left + i * thickness; var rtop = top + i * 2 * thickness; for (var j = 0; j < cols; j++) { dp = i%2==0?dp1:dp2; dp.mult(-1); drawCrossWithDecay(rleft + thickness * 2 *j, rtop - thickness * j, dim, 5, dp, 4, 4.5); } } } function draw() { background(255); drawCrossMatrix(80, 50, 150, 6, 6); }
Inspiré par Computer Graphics and Art vol3 n°2 page 16, « Untitled photoprint », 15″ x 19″ par by Aaron Marcus
// This sketch is part of the ReCode Project - // From Computer Graphics and Art vol3 no2 pg 16 // by Aaron Marcus // "Untitled photoprint", 15" x 19" // Other works in the Hieroglyphs series are "Noise Barrier", and various "Untitled" works. // // Genevieve Hoffman // 2012 // Creative Commons license CC BY-SA 3.0 function setup() { createCanvas(780,780); background(0); var gridSize = width/10; for (var x = gridSize; x <= width; x += gridSize) { for (var y = gridSize; y <= height; y += gridSize) { //make grid stroke(255); smooth(); line(x, 0, x, height); line(x-gridSize, y, width, y); //generate random seed values for location and size var randLoc = random(-gridSize/2,gridSize/2); var randLoc2 = random(-gridSize/2,gridSize/2); var randLoc3 = random(-gridSize/2,gridSize/2); var randLoc4 = random(-gridSize/2,gridSize/2); var randLoc5 = random(-gridSize/2,gridSize/2); var randLoc6 = random(-gridSize/2,gridSize/2); var randLoc7 = random(-gridSize/2,gridSize/2); var randLoc8 = random(-gridSize/2,gridSize/2); var circSize = random(0, gridSize-10); var sqSize = random(0, (gridSize-10)/2); //draw circles noFill(); ellipse(x+randLoc, y+ randLoc2, circSize, circSize); //draw squares push(); translate(x+randLoc3, y+randLoc4); rotate(random(TWO_PI)); rect(0, 0, sqSize, sqSize); pop(); //draw lines push(); translate(x+randLoc5, y+randLoc6); rotate(random(TWO_PI)); line(0,0,randLoc7, randLoc8); pop(); } } } function draw() { } function keyPressed() { //saveFrame("Aaron_Marcus_Untitled2_###.jpg"); }
Inspiré par Computer Graphics and Art vol3 n°4, 4e de couverture, « Hex Variations » de William Kolomyjec
// This sketch is part of the ReCode Project - // From Computer Graphics and Art vol3 no4 Back Cover // by William Kolomyjec // "Hex Variations" // // Steve Berrick // 2012 // Creative Commons license CC BY-SA 3.0 var _width = 600; var _height = 900; var _size = 20; // hexagon radius function setup() { createCanvas(_width, _height); noLoop(); background(255); noFill(); stroke(0); strokeWeight(2); } function draw() { // clear background background(255); // line length (hypotenuse) var h = sin(PI/3) * _size; for (var i = 0; i <= _width / (_size * 3); i++) { for (var j = 0; j <= (_height / h) + 1; j++) { // reference points (centre of each hexagon) var x = i * _size * 3 + (_size / 2); var y = j * h; // offset each odd row if (j % 2 > 0) { x += _size * 1.5; } push(); translate(x, y); // random hexagon 'rotation' (0, 120, 240 degrees) rotate(int(random(0, 3)) * PI/3); // draw line line(0, -h, 0, h); // draw arcs arc(-_size, 0, _size, _size, -PI/3, PI/3); arc( _size, 0, _size, _size, PI/3 * 2, PI/3 * 4); pop(); } } } function mousePressed() { redraw(); }
Inspiré par Computer Graphics and Art vol3 n°2 page 31, « Unimaginable Images » (from the « 196 Trapeziums Series ») de Vera Molnar
// This sketch is part of the ReCode Project - // From Computer Graphics and Art vol3 no2 pg 31 // Untitled (from the "196 Trapeziums Series") // by Vera Molnar // // // Quin Kennedy // 2012 // Creative Commons license CC BY-SA 3.0 var numTiles = 14; var gutterRelativeSize = 0; var windowSize = 800; function setup(){ var tileSize = floor(windowSize/(numTiles*(1+gutterRelativeSize)+gutterRelativeSize)); var gutterSize = floor(tileSize*gutterRelativeSize); var actualWinSize = (tileSize+gutterSize)*numTiles+gutterSize; createCanvas(actualWinSize, actualWinSize); noLoop(); } function draw(){ background(255); stroke(0); //strokeWeight(2); strokeJoin(ROUND); noFill(); var tileSize = floor(windowSize/(numTiles*(1+gutterRelativeSize)+gutterRelativeSize)); var gutterSize = floor(tileSize*gutterRelativeSize); //for each grid cell... for(var i = 0, gi = gutterSize; i < numTiles; i++, gi += gutterSize+tileSize){ for(var j = 0, gj = gutterSize; j < numTiles; j++, gj += gutterSize+tileSize){ drawTrapezium(random(tileSize, width-tileSize-tileSize), random(tileSize/2., height-tileSize)); } } } function drawTrapezium(xCenter, yCenter){ var tileSize = floor(windowSize/(numTiles*(1+gutterRelativeSize)+gutterRelativeSize)); var topScale = random(-2, 2); var bottomScale = random(-2, 2); var halfTile = tileSize/2.; quad(xCenter - tileSize/2 + random(-tileSize, tileSize), yCenter - halfTile, xCenter + tileSize/2 + random(-tileSize, tileSize), yCenter - halfTile, xCenter + tileSize/2 + random(-tileSize, tileSize), yCenter + halfTile, xCenter - tileSize/2 + random(-tileSize, tileSize), yCenter + halfTile); }
Inspiré par Computer Graphics and Art vol3 n°2 page 31, « Unimaginable Images » (from the « 196 Trapeziums Series ») de Vera Molnar
// This sketch is part of the ReCode Project - // From Computer Graphics and Art vol3 no2 pg 31 // Unimaginable Images (from the "196 Trapeziums Series") // by Vera Molnar // // // Quin Kennedy // 2012 // Creative Commons license CC BY-SA 3.0 var numTiles = 14; var gutterRelativeSize = .5; var windowSize = 780; //we need space for each tile, //space for each gutter above each tile, //and space for the final gutter (below of the bottom row) function setup(){ var tileSize = floor(windowSize/(numTiles*(1+gutterRelativeSize)+gutterRelativeSize)); var gutterSize = floor(tileSize*gutterRelativeSize); var actualWinSize = (tileSize+gutterSize)*numTiles+gutterSize; createCanvas(actualWinSize, actualWinSize); noLoop(); } function draw(){ background(255); stroke(0); var tileSize = floor(windowSize/(numTiles*(1+gutterRelativeSize)+gutterRelativeSize)); var gutterSize = floor(tileSize*gutterRelativeSize); //strokeWeight(2); strokeJoin(ROUND); noFill(); //for each grid cell... for(var i = 0, gi = gutterSize; i < numTiles; i++, gi += gutterSize+tileSize){ for(var j = 0, gj = gutterSize; j < numTiles; j++, gj += gutterSize+tileSize){ drawTrapezium(gi+tileSize/2, gj+tileSize/2); } } } function drawTrapezium(xCenter, yCenter){ var tileSize = floor(windowSize/(numTiles*(1+gutterRelativeSize)+gutterRelativeSize)); var topScale = random(-2, 2); var bottomScale = random(-2, 2); var halfTile = tileSize/2.; quad(xCenter - tileSize/2 + random(-tileSize, tileSize), yCenter - halfTile, xCenter + tileSize/2 + random(-tileSize, tileSize), yCenter - halfTile, xCenter + tileSize/2 + random(-tileSize, tileSize), yCenter + halfTile, xCenter - tileSize/2 + random(-tileSize, tileSize), yCenter + halfTile); }
Inspiré par « Research and Teaching in Art and Science » by Vladimir Bonačić // Computer Graphics and Art Vol. 2, No. 3 pp. 4-8
// This sketch is part of the ReCode Project - //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // "Orbits of Galois Fields" by Vladimir Bonačić // // // // ( vareractive version ) // // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // (c) Martin Schneider 2012 // Creative Commons license CC BY-SA 3.0 // These patterns are displayed using 32 x 32 dots. // They visualize objects from abstract algebra, // which are known as orbits of galois fields. // Source: // "Research and Teaching in Art and Science" by Vladimir Bonačić // Computer Graphics and Art Vol. 2, No. 3 pp. 4-8 // See also: // "Kinetic Art: Application of Abstract Algebra to Objects with Computer- // Controlled Flashing Lights and Sound Combinations" by Vladimir Bonačić // Leonardo, Vol. 7, No. 3 // Note: This paper is quite mathematical at times. // The implementation however is actually really simple. ///////////////////////// varERACTIVE VERSION ///////////////////////// // - Use space to flip through the presets // - Use the mouse to explore the orbits //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var n = 5; // bits per dimension var d = 1<<n; // cells per dimension var led = 20; // size of the dot var w = led * d + 1; // screen size var preset = [1087, 1157]; var pick = 0; var p = preset[pick]; var debug = true; var i0; var bg=10; function setup() { createCanvas(w, w); ellipseMode(CORNER); noStroke(); } function draw() { // adding some afterglow fill(bg, 30); rect(0, 0, w, w); fill(255 - bg); // use mouse coordinates to get initial cell var x = mouseX/led & (d-1); var y = mouseY/led & (d-1); var i = y * d + x; // create empty field //boolean[] field = new boolean[d*d]; var field = [d*d]; // find all cells in the orbit i0 = d*d; while (!field[i]) { i0 = min(i, i0); field[i] = true; i *= 2; if (i >= d*d ) i ^= p; } // draw display for (i = 0; i < d*d; i++) { if (field[i]) { ellipse(led * (i % d), led * floor(i / d), led, led); } } } function keyPressed() { switch(key) { // switch between presets case ' ': pick = (pick + 1) % preset.length; p = preset[pick]; break; // next pattern case '+': p = (p + 1) | d; break; // previous pattern case '-': p = (p - 1) | d; break; // toggle debugging case 'd': debug = !debug; break; // switch background color case 'b': bg = 255 - bg; break; default: return; } }
De Computer Graphics and Art vol3 n°2 page 20, par Reiner Schneeberger and students
// This sketch is part of the ReCode Project - // From Computer Graphics and Art vol3 no2 pg 22 // by Reiner Schneeberger // // Untitled #5 is part of a 10 piece series, intended to test viewers // perception of art and composition. The section is titled "Experimental // Esthetics with Computer Graphics -- Analyses of Viewers Impressions // of Computer Graphics." // // Jonathan Bobrow // 2012 // Creative Commons license CC BY-SA 3.0 // // note: .f enforces float division, dividing by an int would automatically round down // i.e. 1/2 = 0 , 1/2.f = .5 var gridSize = 40; var density = 10; function setup(){ createCanvas(780, 780); background(255); stroke(0); strokeWeight(1); var padding = gridSize/density; // even spacing for lines var rows = height/gridSize; var cols = width/gridSize; for(var i = 0; i < rows; i++){ // iterate over the # of rows (top to bottom) for(var j = 0; j < cols; j++){ // iterate over the # of columns (left to right) push(); translate(j*gridSize, i*gridSize); // move to grid location translate(gridSize/2, gridSize/2); // move to rotate around center if(random(1) < .5) rotate(PI/2); // rotate vertical or horizontal else rotate(PI); for(var k = 0; k < density; k++){ // draw # of lines based on density with even spacing var _x = (k - density/2) * padding; line(_x, -gridSize/2, _x, gridSize/2); } pop(); } } }
De Computer Graphics and Art vol1 no4 page 29 // par Reiner Schneeberger and students
// This sketch is part of the ReCode Project - // From Computer Graphics and Art vol1 no4 pg 29 // by Reiner Schneeberger and students // Computer graphics made at the University of Munich (West Germany) // // Genevieve Hoffman // 2012 // Creative Commons license CC BY-SA 3.0 var cols = 10; var rows = 80; var counter = 0; function setup() { createCanvas(540, 800); background(255); stroke(0); var horiz = width/cols; var vert = horiz/2; for (var i = 0; i < rows; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < cols; j++) { var rand = random(0, 2); if (rand > 1) { //draw vertical lines for (var k = 0; k < horiz; k+=horiz/8) { line(j*horiz+k, i*vert, j*horiz+k, i*vert+vert); } } else { //draw horizontal lines for(var k = 0; k < vert; k+=vert/8) { line(j*horiz, i*vert+k, j*horiz+horiz, i*vert + k); } } } } } function draw() { } function keyPressed() { //saveFrame("Reiner_Schneeberger_Untitled2_####.jpg"); }
function setup() { createCanvas( 400, 400); background( 255 ); stroke( 0 ); strokeWeight( 2 ); noFill(); smooth(); drawRects(); } function draw() { } function drawRects() { background(255); for( var i = 0; i < 400; i++ ) { roundedRect( random(-10,width), random(-10,height), random( 5, 40), random(5,40), 5, 5 ); } } function mousePressed() { drawRects(); } function roundedRect(x, y, w, h, rx, ry) { beginShape(); vertex(x, y+ry); //top of left side bezierVertex(x, y, x, y, x+rx, y); //top left corner vertex(x+w-rx, y); //right of top side bezierVertex(x+w, y, x+w, y, x+w, y+ry); //top right corner vertex(x+w, y+h-ry); //bottom of right side bezierVertex(x+w, y+h, x+w, y+h, x+w-rx, y+h); //bottom right corner vertex(x+rx, y+h); //left of bottom side bezierVertex(x, y+h, x, y+h, x, y+h-ry); //bottom left corner endShape(CLOSE); }
function setup() { createCanvas( 780, 780); fill( 0 ); noStroke(); pg = createGraphics(780, 780); drawSquares(); } function draw() { } function drawSquares() { background(240 ); pg.background( 240 ); for( var r = 2; r < 22; r++ ) { for( var c = 0; c < 32; c++ ) { var rand = int(round(random(0,1))); pg.noStroke(); if( rand == 1 ) { pg.fill( 10 ); } else { pg.noFill(); } pg.rect( r*32, c*32, 32, 32 ); } } rotate(-0.01); translate( -8, 0, 0 ); image(pg, 0, 0); } function mousePressed() { drawSquares(); }
var radius = 150; function setup() { createCanvas( 600, 600 ); background( 255 ); stroke( 0 ); noFill(); strokeWeight( 2 ); drawCircles(); } function draw() {} function drawCircles() { background( 255 ); for(var r = 0; r < 2; r++ ) { for(var c = 0; c < 2; c++ ) { push(); translate( 150+(300*r), 150+(300*c)); for(var i = 0; i < random(100,300); i++ ) { var a = random(0, TWO_PI); var x1 = radius*cos(a); var y1 = radius*sin(a); a = random(0, TWO_PI); var x2 = radius*cos(a); var y2 = radius*sin(a); stroke(20); line( x1, y1, x2, y2); } pop(); } } } function mousePressed() { drawCircles(); }
Basé sur la « Diamond Theory » de Steven H Cullinane
/* Part of the ReCode Project ( Based on "Diamond Theory" by Steven H Cullinane Originally published in "Computer Graphics and Art" v2n1, 1977 Copyright (c) 2013 Radames Ajna - OSI/MIT license (http://recodeproject/license). */ /* @pjs pauseOnBlur="true"; */ var bits = [ 0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3 ]; var lsize = 10; function setup() { createCanvas(int(lsize*4+100)*5, int(lsize*4+100)*5); background(255); smooth(); redraw(); noStroke(); } function draw() { background(255); for (var i=0; i<10; i++) { for (var j=0; j<10; j++) { randss(); push(); translate(i*(width/lsize)+lsize*3, j*(height/lsize)+lsize*3); drawTriangle(bits); pop(); } } randss(); if (frameCount>50) { noLoop(); } } function drawTriangle(bits) { push(); translate(-lsize*4/2, -lsize*4/2); for (var x=0;x<4;x++) { for (var y=0;y<4;y++) { var i = x + y*4; // pushStyle(); fill(0); push(); translate(x*lsize, y*lsize); beginShape(TRIANGLES); switch(bits[i]) { case 0: // bottom right //triangle(lsize, lsize, 0, lsize, lsize, 0); vertex(lsize, lsize); vertex(0, lsize); vertex(lsize, 0); break; case 1: ///bottom left //triangle(0, 0, 0, lsize, lsize, lsize); vertex(0, 0); vertex(0, lsize); vertex(lsize, lsize); break; case 2: //top right //triangle(0, 0, lsize, 0, lsize, lsize); vertex(0, 0); vertex(lsize, 0); vertex(lsize, lsize); break; case 3: //top left //triangle(0, 0, lsize, 0, 0, lsize); vertex(0, 0); vertex(lsize, 0); vertex(0, lsize); break; } endShape(CLOSE); //popStyle(); pop(); } } pop(); } /*leva l1 para l2 */ function transposeRow(bits, r0, r1) { var temp = [4]; //temp[i] = new int[4]; for (var x=0;x<4;x++) { //keep the values from row r0 on temp var i = x + r0*4; temp[x] = bits[i]; // put on row r0 values from row r1 var i2 = x + r1*4; bits[i] = bits[i2]; //put on row r1 values from r0 i.e. from temp bits[i2] = temp[x]; } } function transposeColumn(bits, c0, c1) { var temp = [4]; for (var y=0;y<4;y++) { //keep the values from column c1 on temp var i = c0 + y*4; temp[y] = bits[i]; //put on column c0 values from column c1 var i2 = c1 + y*4; bits[i] = bits[i2]; //put on column c1 values from column c0 i.e. temp bits[i2] = temp[y]; } } function transposeQuadrant(bits, q0, q1) { var temp = [4]; //given a q0 - quadrant 0,1,2,3 // |0|1| // |2|3| //returns x,y initial coordinates // |00|10|20|30| // |01|11|21|31| // |02|12|22|32| // |03|13|23|33| var x0q0 = (q0%2)*2; var y0q0; if (q0>1) { y0q0 =2; } else { y0q0 =0; } var x0q1 = (q1%2)*2; var y0q1; if (q1>1) { y0q1 =2; } else { y0q1 =0; } var c=0; for (var i=0;i<2;i++) { for (var j=0;j<2;j++) { temp[c] = bits[x0q0+i + (y0q0+j)*4]; bits[x0q0+i + (y0q0+j)*4] = bits[x0q1+i + (y0q1+j)*4]; bits[x0q1+i + (y0q1+j)*4] = temp[c]; c++; } } } function randss() { transposeRow(bits, int(random(0, 4)), int(random(0, 4))); transposeColumn(bits, int(random(0, 4)), int(random(0, 4))); transposeQuadrant(bits, int(random(0, 4)), int(random(0, 4))); } function mousePressed() { randss(); redraw(); }
Inspiré par « Structure Square Series Inwards » de Roger Coqart
/* Part of the ReCode Project ( Based on "Structure Square Series Inwards" by Roger Coqart Originally published in "Computer Graphics and Art" v1n3, 1976 Copyright (c) 2013 Fabien bonnamy - OSI/MIT license (http://recodeproject/license). */ /* @pjs pauseOnBlur="true"; */ var x1,x2,y1,y2,aleatoire,ecart,marge,taille; var h = 36; // Mettre un multiple de 3 var check = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]; var lines = [ [0,0,h,h], [h,0,0,h], [h/2,0,h/2,h], [0,h/2,h,h/2], [0,h/2,h/2,0], [0,h/2,h/2,h], [h/2,0,h,h/2], [h,h/2,h/2,h] ]; function setup(){ noLoop(); // j'utilise le noLoop car je ne souhaite pas la fonction draw() soit executée plus d'une fois smooth(); // pour que mes traits soient plus net aleatoire = 0; // marge = h/3; // l'espace entre les carrés ecart = h+marge; // la place dans laquelle evelue un carré taille = ((h+marge)*13); // la taille de mon carré createCanvas(taille +marge , taille + marge); // notez que rajoute marge encore une fois afin dessiner la border droit et bas } function draw(){ background(255); translate(marge,marge);// je deplace le point initial de mon ecran pour creer une marge en haut et à gauche stroke(0); strokeWeight(2); // traits sont noir // j'utilise une double bouble for pour placé chaque carrés sur l'ecran. // Ici je place 15 carrés en long (i) et 15 en large (j) for (var i = 0; i <15; i++){ for (var j = 0; j < 15; j++){ //Je deplace le point 0,0 de mon ecran à chaque tour de boucle. cela me permet de toujour utilser 0,0 comme point de reference. // pour ce faire je vais un translate encapsuluer avec mon code dans un pushMatrix, popMatrix push(); translate(i*ecart, j*ecart); fill(255,255,255); //maintenant en fonction de l'emplacement de mon carré je dessine plus ou moins de trais à l'interieur // carré est au centre if(j == 6 && i == 6){ rect(0, 0, h, h); } // carrés sont 1 carré du centre else if(j>=5 && j<8 && i>=5 && i<8){ rect(0, 0, h, h); strokeWeight(2); generateLines(2); } // carrés sont 2 carrés du centre else if(j>=4 && j<9 && i>=4 && i<9){ rect(0, 0, h, h); strokeWeight(2); generateLines(3); } // carrés sont 3 carrés du centre else if(j>=3 && j<10 && i>=3 && i<10){ rect(0, 0, h, h); strokeWeight(2); generateLines(4); } // carrés sont 4 carré du centre else if(j>=2 && j<11 && i>=2 && i<11){ rect(0, 0, h, h); strokeWeight(2); generateLines(5); } // carrés sont 5 carré du centre else if(j>=1 && j<12 && i>=1 && i<12){ rect(0, 0, h, h); strokeWeight(2); generateLines(6); } // carrés sont 6 carré du centre else if(j>=0 && j<13 && i>=0 && i<13){ rect(0, 0, h, h); strokeWeight(2); generateLines(7); } pop(); } } //decommenter pour enregistrer l'image produite //saveFrame("squareColor"+h+".jpg"); } // fonction qui recoit un nombre de lignes en arguments // Cette dessine les trais et fait aussi attention ne pas en dessiner les uns sur les autres function generateLines(numberOfLines) { // nous avons un tableau initial allant de 0 à 7 // on echange quelques valeurs for (var i = 0; i<numberOfLines-1; i++){ var rand1 = int(random(8)); var rand2 = int(random(8)); var temp; temp = check[rand1]; check[rand1] = check[rand2]; check[rand2] = temp; } // puis on lit un nombre d'entrées egale à l'argument passé for (var i = 0; i< numberOfLines; i++){ aleatoire = check[i]; line(lines[aleatoire][0], lines[aleatoire][1], lines[aleatoire][2], lines[aleatoire][3]); } }
Hommage to Zdeňek Sýkora
/* * Untitled, Hommage to Zdeňek Sýkora (1920 - 2011) * * Kof / Kryštof Pešek 2012 * */ var theta = []; var moznosti = [0,90,180,270]; var rot = [1,2,4]; var r; function preload(){ plny = loadImage("plny.png"); } function setup(){ createCanvas(576,704,P2D); imageMode(CENTER); for (var i = 0 ; i < 3000 ; i ++){ theta[i] = moznosti[int(random(4))]; } } function draw(){ background(0); r = plny.width; var idx = 0; for(var y = 0;y <= height/plny.height;y++){ for(var x = 0;x <= width/plny.width;x++){ push(); translate(x*r+plny.width/2,y*r+plny.height/2); rotate(radians(theta[idx])); theta[idx] += 0.004*degrees(frameCount/200.0*atan2(mouseY-y*r,mouseX-x*r)); image (plny,0,0); pop(); idx += 1; } } }
Inspiré par « From the Square Series » de Roger Coqart
/* Part of the ReCode Project ( Based on "From the Square Series" by Roger Coqart Originally published in "Computer Graphics and Art" v3n2, 1978 Copyright (c) 2015 Haydn Edgvaron-King - OSI/MIT license (http://recodeproject/license). */ /* @pjs pauseOnBlur="true"; */ var lin = 0; var col = 0; var taille = 12; var lin2 = 0; var col2 = 0; var taille2 = 36; function setup() { createCanvas(780, 780); background(0); stroke(255); strokeWeight(3.2); strokeCap(ROUND); } function draw() { var sorte = round(random(0,5)); //println(#5ea19a + sorte); if (sorte == 0) { line(lin * taille, col * taille, taille + (lin * taille), taille + (col * taille)); } if (sorte == 1) { line(lin * taille + taille, col * taille, lin * taille, col * taille + taille); } if (sorte == 2) { line(lin * taille, col * taille, taille + (lin * taille), taille + (col * taille)); } if (sorte == 3) { line(lin * taille + taille, col * taille, lin * taille, col * taille + taille); } if (sorte == 4) { } lin++; if (lin * 12 > width) { col++; lin = 0; } if (col * 12 > height) { noLoop(); } var sorte2 = round(random(0,5)); // println(#5ea19a + sorte2); strokeCap(ROUND); if (sorte2 == 0) { line(lin2 * taille2, col2 * taille2, lin2 * taille2 + taille2, col2 * taille2); } if (sorte2 == 1) { line(lin2 * taille2, col2 * taille2, lin2 * taille2, col2 * taille2 + taille2); } if (sorte2 == 2) { line(lin2 * taille2, col2 * taille2, lin2 * taille2 + taille2, col2 * taille2); } if (sorte2 == 3) { line(lin2 * taille2, col2 * taille2, lin2 * taille2, col2 * taille2 + taille2); } if (sorte2 == 4) { } lin2++; if (lin2 * 36 > width) { col2++; lin2 = 0; } if (col2 * 36 > height) { } }
Inspiré par « From the Square Series » de Roger Coqart
/* Part of the ReCode Project ( Based on "From the Square Series" by Roger Coqart Originally published in "Computer Graphics and Art" v3n2, 1978 Copyright (c) 2015 Haydn Edginton-King - OSI/MIT license (http://recodeproject/license). */ /* @pjs pauseOnBlur="true"; */ var lin = 0; var col = 0; var sizer = 6; var lin2 = 0; var col2 = 0; var sizer2 = 24; var lin3 = 0; var col3 = 0; var sizer3 = 12; var lin4 = 0; var col4 = 0; var sizer4 = 48; function setup() { createCanvas(400, 400); background(0); stroke(255); strokeWeight(1); strokeCap(ROUND); } function draw() { var sorte = round(random(0,5)); if (sorte == 0) { line(lin * sizer, col * sizer, sizer + (lin * sizer), sizer + (col * sizer)); } if (sorte == 1) { line(lin * sizer + sizer, col * sizer, lin * sizer, col * sizer + sizer); } if (sorte == 2) { } if (sorte == 3) { } if (sorte == 4) { } lin++; if (lin * sizer > width) { col++; lin = 0; } if (col * sizer > height) { noLoop(); } var sorte2 = round(random(0,5)); if (sorte2 == 0) { line(lin2 * sizer2, col2 * sizer2, sizer2 + (lin2 * sizer2), sizer2 + (col2 * sizer2)); } if (sorte2 == 1) { line(lin2 * sizer2 + sizer2, col2 * sizer2, lin2 * sizer2, col2 * sizer2 + sizer2); } if (sorte2 == 2) { } if (sorte2 == 3) { } if (sorte2 == 4) { } lin2++; if (lin2 * sizer2 > width) { col2++; lin2 = 0; } if (col2 * sizer2 > height) { } var sorte3 = round(random(0,5)); if (sorte3 == 0) { line(lin3 * sizer3, col3 * sizer3, sizer3 + (lin3 * sizer3), sizer3 + (col3 * sizer3)); } if (sorte3 == 1) { line(lin3 * sizer3 + sizer3, col3 * sizer3, lin3 * sizer3, col3 * sizer3 + sizer3); } if (sorte3 == 2) { line(lin3 * sizer3, col3 * sizer3, sizer3 + (lin3 * sizer3), sizer3 + (col3 * sizer3)); } if (sorte3 == 3) { line(lin3 * sizer3 + sizer3, col3 * sizer3, lin3 * sizer3, col3 * sizer3 + sizer3); } if (sorte3 == 4) { } lin3++; if (lin3 * sizer3 > width) { col3++; lin3 = 0; } if (col3 * sizer3 > height) { } var sorte4 = round(random(0,5)); if (sorte4 == 0) { line(lin4 * sizer4 + sizer4, col4 * sizer4, lin4 * sizer4, col4 * sizer4 + sizer4); } if (sorte4 == 1) { line(lin4 * sizer4 + sizer4, col4 * sizer4, lin4 * sizer4, col4 * sizer4 + sizer4); } if (sorte4 == 2) { } if (sorte4 == 3) { } if (sorte4 == 4) { } lin4++; if (lin4 * sizer4 > width) { col4++; lin4 = 0; } if (col4 * sizer4 > height) { } }
‘S’ pour sauvegarder / 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 pour modifier la trame + déplacement de la souris
var img; var drawMode = 1; function preload() { img = loadImage("perec.jpg"); } function setup() { createCanvas(img.width*7, img.height*7); } function draw() { background(255); var mouseXFactor = map(mouseX, 0, width, 0.05, 1); var mouseYFactor = map(mouseY, 0, height, 0.05, 1); for (var gridX = 0; gridX < img.width; gridX++) { for (var gridY = 0; gridY < img.height; gridY++) { var tileWidth = width / img.width; var tileHeight = height / img.height; var posX = tileWidth*gridX; var posY = tileHeight*gridY; var c = img.get(gridX, gridY); var greyscale = round(red(c)*0.222+green(c)*0.707+blue(c)*0.071); switch(drawMode) { case 1: var w1 = map(greyscale, 0,255, 15,0.1); stroke(0); strokeWeight(w1 * mouseXFactor); line(posX, posY, posX+5, posY+5); break; case 2: fill(0); noStroke(); var r2 = 1.1284 * sqrt(tileWidth*tileWidth*(1-greyscale/255.0)); r2 = r2 * mouseXFactor * 3; ellipse(posX, posY, r2, r2); break; case 3: var l3 = map(greyscale, 0,255, 30,0.1); l3 = l3 * mouseXFactor; stroke(0); strokeWeight(10 * mouseYFactor); line(posX, posY, posX+l3, posY+l3); break; case 4: stroke(0); var w4 = map(greyscale, 0,255, 10,0); strokeWeight(w4 * mouseXFactor + 0.1); var l4 = map(greyscale, 0,255, 35,0); l4 = l4 * mouseYFactor; push(); translate(posX, posY); rotate(greyscale/255.0 * PI); line(0, 0, 0+l4, 0+l4); pop(); break; case 5: var w5 = map(greyscale,0,255,5,0.2); strokeWeight(w5 * mouseYFactor + 0.1); var c2 = img.get(min(gridX+1,img.width-1), gridY); stroke(c2); var greyscale2 = int(red(c2)*0.222 + green(c2)*0.707 + blue(c2)*0.071); var h5 = 50 * mouseXFactor; var d1 = map(greyscale, 0,255, h5,0); var d2 = map(greyscale2, 0,255, h5,0); line(posX-d1, posY+d1, posX+tileWidth-d2, posY+d2); break; case 6: var w6 = map(greyscale, 0,255, 25,0); noStroke(); fill(c); ellipse(posX, posY, w6 * mouseXFactor, w6 * mouseXFactor); break; case 7: stroke(c); var w7 = map(greyscale, 0,255, 5,0.1); strokeWeight(w7); fill(255,255* mouseXFactor); push(); translate(posX, posY); rotate(greyscale/255.0 * PI* mouseYFactor); rect(0,0,15,15); pop(); break; case 8: noStroke(); fill(greyscale,greyscale * mouseXFactor,255* mouseYFactor); rect(posX,posY,3.5,3.5); rect(posX+4,posY,3.5,3.5); rect(posX,posY+4,3.5,3.5); rect(posX+4,posY+4,3.5,3.5); break; case 9: stroke(255,greyscale,0); noFill(); push(); translate(posX, posY); rotate(greyscale/255.0 * PI); strokeWeight(1); rect(0,0,15* mouseXFactor,15* mouseYFactor); var w9 = map(greyscale, 0,255, 15,0.1); strokeWeight(w9); stroke(0,70); ellipse(0,0,10,5); pop(); break; } } } } function keyPressed(){ if (key == 's' || key == 'S') save(timestamp()+".png"); } function keyTyped() { if (key == '1') drawMode = 1; if (key == '2') drawMode = 2; if (key == '3') drawMode = 3; if (key == '4') drawMode = 4; if (key == '5') drawMode = 5; if (key == '6') drawMode = 6; if (key == '7') drawMode = 7; if (key == '8') drawMode = 8; if (key == '9') drawMode = 9; } function timestamp() { var now = new Date(); return now.toISOString(); }